Friday, June 3, 2016

Sonnet 110

Sonnet 110
Laijon Liu 20160603

Yup, you definitely a Player!
You’ve been everywhere and now you're back
And you still write some cheesy poems like this
Like you are such model lover. It’s so unfair!
Someone has everything shoveled to his face
And someone got nothing, begs around, still nothing
You are the one bets both side of the coin
Play a victim role, but a true aggressor
And now you call it off, you’ve done, tired
You repent, and say O you love the old taste,
How much you've missed it all and all
With your knee on the ground, you solemnly pray
And you kiss up to me say: “Oh, My Heaven!
Please embrace me, please save me. Meow~”