Sunday, September 30, 2018

Photo Notes: Chinese Poems, Japanese Haiku, Lu Xun on Suicide, Hindu Buddhism on Sufferings

Photo Notes: Chinese Poems, Japanese Haiku, Lu Xun on Suicide, Hindu Buddhism on Sufferings

Lu Xun


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A Very Balanced News Article Writing from Radio France International

A Very Balanced News Article Writing from Radio France International

唾弃瑞典后 中国游客转战瑞士大妈钱戏白天鹅

作者 小山发表时间 25-09-2018 更改时间 25-09-2018 发表时间 12:04



9月24日瑞士《20分钟》(20 Minuten)报纸网络版以《女游客掐天鹅脖子》(德)外部链接为题,发布了路人在卢塞恩天鹅广场湖岸边拍摄的录像:镜头中,两位中年亚洲女性游客正在一只天鹅近前意欲摆拍。其中一位用纸币逗天鹅,做出投喂状,另一位为其拍照。谁知天鹅本能啄食,一口抢走女游客手中的纸币。这时,正在拍摄的“女汉子大妈”手疾眼快,一把薅住天鹅脖子,“勇猛地”抢下天鹅衔着的票。

报道指“What the F***?”(这是什么鬼?) 亲见这一幕,视频的拍摄者不禁惊呼。

据视频中可见,就在事发地点两米处便设有“禁止投喂”的英语标示牌。虽然《20分钟》全文没有提及当事人国籍,但遗憾的是,视频中两位游人的对话清晰可辨:她们说的正是普通话。报道说,在瑞典,她们的“对手”是专业强势的警察;在瑞士,她们面对的是弱势生物天鹅。如果说,瑞典那场闹剧的上演一部分是源于不同文化情感表达方式的冲撞(在理性沟通的欧洲,大哭大闹博取同情的办法是行不通的);瑞士“掐天鹅事件”中,当事人的下意识行为折射出的似乎更是一种态度:对其他生命个体(无论人类还是动物)的尊重缺失。说到底,大声喧哗、推搡加塞儿、吃完饭一片狼藉... 这些曾被媒体报道的游客行为,哪一件不是对他人的无视呢?

在陈述事实之后,《20分钟》报的报道并未对当事人的行为进行评论,更没有将问题上升到国家种族层面进行攻击,而是切入鸟类专家的忠告:“这位女士的举动不太明智,因为这会给天鹅带来极大的心理压力… 而且游客自己也有可能受伤,因为天鹅在感到受威胁时,会用嘴啄人或扇动翅膀进行自卫。”


Monday, September 24, 2018


Laijon Liu 20180924

tenderly, tenderly I caress

your memory of nights

your timid soul shocked

by that thunderbolt touch

running, and running

a constant motional being

never know where to

or a place to be away from

sad eyes must have seen

the wild landscape in flame

never tired or ever tired

legs carry on, trudge on

wandering land of vast

constellations of mystery

a shooting star lacerates

the horizon, a painful neigh

Friday, September 21, 2018


Laijon Liu 20180921

migrating masses, figures and shadows
constantly swarming on the plains
mooing their griefs and starvation
driven; chased and devoured by fate

the grass is green, regenerates in rain
after onslaught of drought season
the grass is greener on the other side
so, ford that rapid waters of terror

natural selection of their genes
competitions for speed, for escape
fittest to survive, to breed
to always be that victim or prey

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Art Meal: The Life Story of Polka Dots

Art Meal: The Life Story of Polka Dots

Dreamy, Creamy and Whimsy seems always some polka dots world, but in real life the polka dots are truly struggling, none of them is in perfect shape, size or color, all of them striving to come out of their back ground color. if you see a polka dot design that makes you smile and forget reality, then you know those polka dot images are mathematically drawn or printed out to please your eye, they are fake polka dots. so here I present The True Life Story of Real Polka Dots.

Art Meal: Blossoms

Art Meal: Blossoms

these two attempt to mimic Van Gogh's Almond Blossoms, but totally go sideways.