Tuesday, March 27, 2018

NY Subway poems

NY Subway poems
Laijon Liu 20180327

I see you
staring at your phone
and feel pain in my neck

Penguins crowding
On the freezing platform-
Rush hour train late again

Straphanging sharks in dandy suits
With bowties or silk ties
On their way to kill

Orcas sitting on the train
Wearing top hats, bowler hats
Reading The Wall Street Journal

An old homeless man sits in the corner
His perfume smell like piss
He laughs and blows out cigarette smoke

I offered my seat
To a middle age woman
She asked me: “Oh, am I that old?”

I offered my seat
To an eighty year old man
He politely shook his head, stood proudly

Two young men fistfight
For their arm room
Poor unorganized idiots

Game of musical chair
To all that fortune, death and danger dare
Even for a seat

Trash and that smell
Oh, New York!
The things you hate and miss

Pandas blocking the doors
Pandas spread on the seats
Moody pandas, so moody!

I look around, smile and nod
Those young beautiful ladies
And they put on airs

42nd street is for tourists
Broadway musical, brand name stores
No New Yorker can afford

Subroadway Musical- Sometimes
You just wanna belt out on the train
or Yankee Doodle walk, or make whoopie 

Ride the number 7 Train
All the way to Flushing Main Street
You arrive at China

Look, green glass skyscrapers
Rise like bamboos after spring rain
Rich soil in Long Island City

People talk loud and fast
Mixture of Brooklyn Italian
Black hipster slang accents…

Variety of blooms
Variety of accents, languages, foods...
Variety at one place

Why travel?
You live in New York
The world comes to you

sorting and tidying up my notebooks, past undone notes that cannot be built into long pieces, most bits or scraps thrown away, or loaded up here like the The Old Pond, Words Samurai Sword, Magical Moon... or maybe all should go into trash bin.

Monday, March 26, 2018

My Will

My Will

I wrote my will to my father and my friend. I think it’s one of kind, has more literature and philosophy values comparing to those online legal form samples. There are sad and true parts that we as children or parents would avoid or often forget to mention, the hard topic; but in life we all have to be brave and face many difficulties that we cannot overcome, nor we can really trust government, politicians, society, or protest, or hope, nor we can really cling on friends and relatives, we all have problems that’s our own burden we have to bear like the cross to Christ. I don’t want to see my love ones and anyone struggle in pain, in difficulty, in so much stress… but the current culture driven society is still savage, that many lives should live and pass honorable and respectful, but our economic and political structure won’t allow that… yet everyone must be strong, be a solution guy, with hope or without.

                              The dying part is easy.
                                                                      - Laijon Liu              

                                           * * * * *

To L _ _ S _ _j_ _, my legal and Biological father and Mr. M _ _ Y_ _ _, my best friend:

I will undergo _ _ _ _ _ Surgery on ## / ## /####.

the surgery takes 3 hours, and the surgeons will knock me to sleep for three hours. I will email you after surgery, if I wake up healthy. 

I leave my following will to you and M_ _ Y_ _ _ in case there would be an accident that I would die or sleep in coma.

1) if I am in a coma or paralyzed, I want hospital to unplug me, just let me die.

2) For my mom, I will give you and M_ _ Y_ _ _ her phone number later this week. Tell my mom, I love her and I am sorry. and inform her my will in Chinese on a paper and explain to her for any related questions to her for me.

3) if you have some money for me, if you can give to my mom early as possible that's good, in case she needs money for hospital, I will also give you my cousin: Z_ _ _ _ W_ _ Y_ _'s phone number later, tell my mom Z_ _ _ _ _ W_ _ Y_ _ will be her advisor if I’m gone, I fully trust him. if she has money or any valuable to leave to him for her will.

4) if my mom in lifelong coma or paralyzed after I die, my wish for her is to unplug, that's for you too.

5) if you and my mom wants to end your or her own life, due to unsolvable pains, partial body paralyzed that cause great stress to live happily, and have no one close relative want to take care or to feel shame to bother relative... for all reasons or any reasons, after I die... I support your and her decision, there's painless gas, please search google, I will give you tip, or use surgical blade cut veins, that's painless possible.

6) Please give me your full legal id name, your passport name and your phone number, I will give to my landlord and let them know you and my friend Mr. M_ _ Y_ _ _ have my will to pick and own whatever in my room after I die.

7) My friends: M_ _ Y_ _ _ and M_ _ F_ _ _ here in US, please help them if you have ability if they ask you for future help, financial or legal issue all related, they are my brothers in my 20 year toil in NY. I wish you can ask them for help if your problem don't bring much financial and legal responsibilities and stress to them that they should not bear.

8) All my contents (English and Chinese poems, prose) on my blog, at google blogger, and other web media, the copyrights all belong to my mom, next to you, then to my friends M_ _ F_ _ _ and M_ _ Y_ _ _ brothers. who knows I think I am one of most important thinker and poet in 21st century. :D

Last, I can't say I love you, I don't have wisdom about love, so I don't have ability to love. I can only say sorry to you, if I fail your expectation and all the stress and worries I caused you in the past. I don't hate you for anything. Nothing in my past really bothers me now.

I also cc this email to my friend M_ _ Y_ _ _ as wittiness for my will.

Please keep this email for future use. and reply me with your full legal name and cell phone number asap so I can give to my landlord that you and M_ _ Y_ _ _ can access my room to own whatever you like, good valuable books and dvds and all things in my room...  if I die in my surgery.
(those books and dvds can be sold on Amazon for some thousand dollars probably.)

all that, don't worry much about it, because there are millions undergo surgery in US annually.


M_ _ Y_ _ _ cell phone: ###-###-####

Pen Name and Online Pen Name: Laijon Liu
Legal Name: L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ L_ _
Birthday: ##/##/####
Address: #### ##rd Street, Dream Hills, NY #####

                                           * * * * *

Friday, March 23, 2018

Meditation on The Old Pond

Meditation on The Old Pond
Laijon Liu 20180323

The old pond
a frog leaps out
blurry reflective world

the old pond
a frog stares at
and ponders for ages

the old pond
another frog hops near
No! it’s a toad.

the old pond
quiet in seasons
where’s that frog?

The old pond
under barren tree branches
reflects a gold round moon

The old pond
countless frogs hop amok
kerplunk! kerplunk!

The old pond
shouts at me: “Just Stop!”
but Basho started it!”

The old pond
blows purple gas bubbles
a fracking corp miles away

The old pond
that frog jumps in
and he’s forever gone

The old pond
Stay green! Stay calm!”
you will be stirred up
a frog will jump into you
and your heart will sing again
Oh, that sweet melody!

A Giant Mom

A Giant Mom
Laijon Liu 20180323

She’s got Audrey Hepburn’s eyes
of expressive, naïve and intelligent
she sits behind my working desk
for half year we’ve happily conversed

Yesterday 3pm, she suddenly gurgled
a choking sound- she opened her mouth
wide like she wanted to scream or to breathe
no sound came out of her throat, only drool

she collapsed on the floor, her eyes
wide open, bulging eyeballs like of dead fish
her arms and legs twitching, trying to climb up
to stand, to lean against the wall, so I pushed her

her world continually spinning, the wall
like a cliff, the gusts blew and blew in her brain
like a kite she dangled, hanging on a string
her shaking arms wrapped around me, her cold hands

a minute seemed a lifetime, two minutes was eternity
one quake after another, another within two hours
like a withered flower she drooped in her chair
5pm, she walked to pick up her 5yr old daughter

Monday, March 19, 2018

The moon is magical

The moon is magical
Laijon Liu 20180319

The moon is magical-

last night, I was a black cat
on a chimney rooftop
raising my tail
staring at her

another night, I was a wolf
alone on a clifftop
howling at her

and tomorrow night,
what will become of me?
a shimmering shadow
on a rippling surface?

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Turn and Walk Away

Turn and Walk Away
Laijon Liu 20180315

World of troubles
all things that bothers
I just turn and walk away


Laijon Liu 20180315

Books are windows
Books are mountains
there hermits dwell


Laijon Liu 20180315

Moon night, alone
and drunk, I sing
Cats’ Memory fifty times

- Moonlight, turn your face to the moonlight
let your memory lead you
open up, enter in
if you find there
the meaning of what happiness is
then a new life will begin -”

Monday, March 12, 2018

Butterfly in mosquito net

Butterfly in mosquito net
Laijon Liu 0312

A butterfly
trapped in my mosquito net
is floating

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Love is Dead Hard

Love is Dead Hard
Laijon Liu 20180311

Sappho, Li Qingzhao,
Mrs. Browning, Dickinson
Anna Akhmatova, Plath
and Zhai Yongming
Only one of them is alive
but she is married and
she only replies my emails once a year
see! poetry is easy
but love is dead hard

Love is Free

Love is Free
Laijon Liu 20180311

I said: “Love is free!”
You said: “No. Love isn’t free.”
I looked at you and said:
Well, My love is free, you want it?”
and you lost your speech ability.

My Beer Belly

My Beer Belly
Laijon Liu 20180311

I could be a marathon runner,
if I don’t love my beer belly.

Old Pirate Heart

Old Pirate Heart
Laijon Liu 20180311

I buy a broken house
down by the riverbank
when the flood surges
I’ll fly my pirate flag

Your Boss

Your Boss
Laijon Liu 20180311

You can’t stand him
You can’t shoot him
And you need him!

the first two lines I plagiarized from the Law and Order TV episode I forgot the number and title, the scene was a woman cop talking about her boss with 2 male detectives. it was totally funny. that writer knows American work environment :D 

Tom and Jerry

Tom and Jerry
Laijon Liu 20180311

Tom and Jerry is a love story
Tom is a cat
he loves to chase
he loves to pounce
he loves to play
Jerry is a mouse
he just wants to live

Three short poems

Three short poems
Laijon Liu 20180311

road, clunker, potholes
O, three old pals!


rock, paper, scissors
See- they belong together


the hole in the roof is for stargazing
but flurry and drizzle are better!

Saturday, March 10, 2018


Laijon Liu 20180310

Words like a samurai sword
your head rolls like a melon
your heart splits like a peach

Thursday, March 8, 2018

On Love

On Love

Love is the holy concept that achieved through relationship. Without relationship we have no proof of love. that’s the reason most of us fear to be alone, lonely; and we all carefully pick our companion (people) and friends, and animals as our pets that we feel the warmth of living. Even the hermits in the mountain need their companion, the fellow pilgrims, and, warriors together huddle down in the trench pray.

Of course, Love is the name of God that’s how Christians firmly believe, I think Muslim and Jewish brothers and sisters also believe that. That reminds me Jesus commandment “Love God and Love thy neighbor” which the neighbor also should include animal and our environment. Jesus also said “God is Good.” For atheists, people also do believe love, probably the definition more close to Ancient Greek: human relationship through sexual passion, that’s romance or lust; deep friendship, pleasure in items and social activity, respect fellow human being, lifetime companionship, and self-love. Western people often express love by hand shake, hug and saying the word. Chinese do not say love to their love ones, it feels foreign and fake saying the character, and often it’s expressed through work or gift, daughters buy their old moms gold rings, taking care old moms, moms prepare meal for their adult children on weekend, or bring their moms to family outing, buying special sweet or cookies… so Love is concept like Zen practice, practiced through habitual work instead speech. There are many western people also take care of family, old parents, sibling’s kids… there’s really not much of different, like Tolstoy said: “all happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

I remember St. Paul’s famous phrase “Love is Patience...” that’s how we always should be patient with whom we love. Like our kids, and husband,wife,partner, no matter how special he or she is, in the end it’s the living, kitchen, bathroom, car, kids, money, issues… all that how we try to barely breathe above the surface. Sure, we all want Mr. Perfect and Ms. Awesome but to others they are all Okay, and after a few month if you are not lucky, or a few years they all truly down grade to Mr./Ms. Okay I guess. The 2 minute whale song in the bathroom does not sound amusing anymore, it’s actually getting longer and annoying; the happy hour schedule already switch from Catholic to Baptist calender, that’s once a week to once a month. Yet, we time after time recollect that sweet moment we fall in love, that special moment we feel there’s sense of purpose of our existence, we need to exist to provide, to support, to do things to do better for her or him, to make her or him happy, satisfied and proud, because we truly feel we love someone, our existence gains living purpose, we cast our freedom into the fire, we do not waver nor pussyfoot; and the feeling of being loved by someone, by knowing that we are self-confident and have high self-esteem. We have value because we are loved by someone, that someone special. The shit is truly changing our course.

Love also is science, a social science, just like living that we learn as we grow, it matures with age. In order to love we need to gain the ability to love, that ability comes from wisdom and understanding of love, and that wisdom is nurtured or educated in a loving environment, loving parents, loving family, a caring society, a good neighborhood. People who raise their kids have more knowledge about life value, have experience in communication and education, build life habit to achieve academic and physical fitness for a long road. The parenting family must have basic standard to provide necessity to children, without a good financial base, love does not come easy, the burden and the stress simply crush the family time of love. Bread cannot be replaced by love, but bread only don’t make us alive either. We need both to exist.

Love gives us physical body by the union of our biological father and mother. Our body is their product, and our instrument to materialize and continue the practice of this concept, that’s how we are physically here; and our spiritual being is also an instrument to make our village better, that’s our society, the world. So that’s the answer to our question: Who are we? Why we are here? and Why we continue to exist? Because we have to be there for someone who love us, also take care them for the love reason.

Individual who only loves himself and his family is incomplete and impotent. He must carry out his responsibility to love his society, includes environment, animal, friends, neighbors and relatives. Everyone has two duties to love him/herself and the society. Some politicians say you have children that’s why you want to get involved into politics because you want to leave a legacy to your children. True that, but over half numbers of politicians only believe and work for their own family legacy not national or world legacy. When we have an overpopulated, highly competitive, extreme capitalist environment, we don’t have our time and we can’t focus our energy to love our family and society, all we do is to compete and fight to survive. kids must study like Chinese kids now, self-torture and self-mutilate their mind and character daily in the library with their books to hopefully be rewarded a high spot in the job market, not to be leftover, when they finally get ahead of the rushing herd, become a running part of the consumption machine, they've got to hurry up the make-shift nest and set their kids up. We are lost in the heat of competition. Winning is first, the rest is last.

Self-love isn’t easy. We all have some rough edges brought up or kind of broken in some way. There are things we lost dearly and things can never be fixed. Consolations, shrink sessions, or support groups… don’t work, after all that, we still have to deal with it alone somehow. But whatever it is eating us making us sad and depressed, feeling helpless and hopeless... we should always know two things: you are not the most miserable person in the world, you are not; and no one bears that responsibility to make you happy, Only You, Yourself.

The following is my favorite Bible verses on love, but we should not hold anyone (especially our love ones) to live by the Bible's Love standard, that's just too cruel, it's not love; nor anyone should hold him/herself that standard, that's just too hard! to follow. I am not very patient person, so I choose trying to endure people's impatience. Crumbs of love is still love, I guess.

From Bible:

- Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies -
- Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.-


- 知识是叫人自高自大,惟有爱心能造就人。-
- 我若能說萬人的方言,並天使的話語,卻沒有愛,我就成了鳴的鑼,響的鈸一般。我若有先知講道之能,也明白各樣的奧祕,各樣的知識,而且有全備的信,叫我能夠移山,卻沒有愛,我就算不得什麼。我若將所有的賙濟窮人,又捨己身叫人焚燒,卻沒有愛,仍然於我無益。愛是恆久忍耐,又有恩慈;愛是不嫉妒;愛是不自誇,不張狂,不做害羞的事,不求自己的益處,不輕易發怒,不計算人的惡,不喜歡不義,只喜歡真理;凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐。愛是永不止息。先知講道之能終必歸於無有;說方言之能終必停止;知識也終必歸於無有。-


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

To Albatross

To Albatross
Laijon Liu 20180307

Love builds you a pair of broad wings
to embrace the azure and the vast sea
an eternal promise for you to keep
through the tempests and cold waves

O faith is the everlasting strength
that guides your final home coming
that long toiling perilous journey
forges your wandering heart to gold

that day the wind will bring glad tidings
the heaven will hear your renewal vows
the earth will host your reunion dance
you two bill and coo, to be the Lovebirds

Friday, March 2, 2018

The Little Brave Astronaut

The Little Brave Astronaut
Laijon Liu 20180302

the little astronaut is flying
flying off the orbit-
that’s not the only problem

his spaceship is running
running out of fuel-
that’s not the only problem

his spaceship is breaking
breaking into two parts-
that’s not the only problem

a little green man on a flying saucer
orbiting the Earth-
that’s not the only problem

that little green man is holding its supernova gun [1]
aiming at the Earth-
that’s not the only problem

the Earth is losing gravitational pull
and spinning upside down-
that’s not the only problem

Look! the penguins are in the Arctic
the polar bears are in the Antarctica
the whales are beaching on Africa shore

Hurry! Little brave astronaut!
there’s no time!
Hurry up!

- There’s a little brave astronaut in everyone of us -

[1] Supernova gun is a shooting device that turns a planet into supernova, when the supernova burns out, the residue turns into a marshmallow. If a little green man eats that marshmallow, it will become an evil Yoda and gain its universal fame. This information is extracted from an omitted page of the Encyclopedia Britannica.

The following photos are shots of my Wall Art Installation “Little Brave Astronaut”. I got a free world map from National Geographic DVD box, and after I taped the map on the wall, I realized it was upside down, it’s much of hard work to peel off the thin paper map… and I thought maybe an upside down world map really fit our current global state from the news we read daily. 

- The sky is not falling, but the world is upside down -