Monday, March 7, 2022

War at Home

 War at Home
All dictators should be dead period!
Laijon liu 20220306
All dictators should be dead period!
Their tanks artilleries transports turn into scrap metal
Their little coward boys never dare to say no
Should be shot and bombed and cry ma ma
At some foreigners' land

I do not say I am for peace
Because my naive years are past
In order for the parks to be parks 
Some nut case must check into funny farm

There never gonna be peace
That peace must be fought for
There never gonna be home
If people don't fight to keep

Freewill is never for the cowards
A good beating is what the bully needs
In some countries tractors tow tanks
Some marching students should have anti tank missiles

Don't play the victim, don't be a victim
Don't ever have a mind of victimized
It's just pain, and hunger
It's just rage, revenge, and madness...
The same fabric as justice and fair

People should not fear
The coward crook giving zcar speech
Behind his bulletproof glass
Brendishing his nuke warheads
To the point that I don't scare anymore
The coward brainfuck with stern face
Acts like he is the emperor of China
Who knows everything, art of war shit
And playing his romance of three kingdom game.

What fucking century are we in now?
The great era of Soviet and Qing dynasty?
Hmmm, the time machine plays tricks
Some people have arrived at their preferred time space.
Fire the javelins! nlaw! thorns!
Give those little shitheads black and blue!
Rock the shit out of the kings!
And shout: Pill Time! Pill Time! You dumb fuck!