Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Beautiful Dream

Beautiful Dream
By Laijon Liu 20091019

Brewing my dream
In the fifty states,
With a thread of grief
I drink and fall asleep.
On the bank of river
I look for my goddess,
Only to roam alone
In cloud and peach bloom.

Heavenly mountains,
Crystal ice, and stars
Shining bright as plates;
Deep blue oceans
With their roaring waves,
Splashing toward high.
Oh, this great bird
Spreads his giant wings
To strike myriad miles
For the limit of sky.

A translation of my own Chinese poem.


美梦酝酿五十州, 一丝牵挂醉中眠.
湘水湖畔思神女, 独游云梦卧桃源.
天山冰晶星如斗, 琼海洋溢浪涛天.
此鹏一展鸿飞翅, 挥翼万里志无边.