Friday, March 23, 2018

Meditation on The Old Pond

Meditation on The Old Pond
Laijon Liu 20180323

The old pond
a frog leaps out
blurry reflective world

the old pond
a frog stares at
and ponders for ages

the old pond
another frog hops near
No! it’s a toad.

the old pond
quiet in seasons
where’s that frog?

The old pond
under barren tree branches
reflects a gold round moon

The old pond
countless frogs hop amok
kerplunk! kerplunk!

The old pond
shouts at me: “Just Stop!”
but Basho started it!”

The old pond
blows purple gas bubbles
a fracking corp miles away

The old pond
that frog jumps in
and he’s forever gone

The old pond
Stay green! Stay calm!”
you will be stirred up
a frog will jump into you
and your heart will sing again
Oh, that sweet melody!