游 子 吟
you2# zi3# yin2#
孟 郊
meng4# jiao3#
慈 母 手 中 线
ci2# mu3# shou3# zhong1# xian4#
游 子 身 上 衣
you2# zi3# shen1# shang4# yi1#
临 行 密 密 缝
lin2# xing2# mi4# mi4# feng2#
意 恐 迟 迟 归
yi4# kong3# chi2# chi2# gui1#
谁 言 寸 草 心
shui2# yan2# cun4# cao3# xin1#
报 得 三 春 晖?
bao4# de2# san1# chun1# hui1#
Song of Traveling Son
Meng Jiao
Thread in the hand of loving mom
Turned into a jacket on her traveling son
Before his departure she carefully sews
In case her son will be back home late
Who says the heart of grass
Could repay the years of sunlight?
Google Pinyin Input should be improved by adopting feature of pingyin tones. Each Chinese character(in Mandarin) has 4 different tones: 1st tone, 2nd tone, 3rd tone, 4th tone as following Link explains in detail
It’s much easier to input pinyin and much easier for Mandarin learners to memorize the tone of each character that they won’t be confused, as above Tang poem, each character should be grouped in pingyin, tone number(1-4), then there should be followed another number#(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) for character choice on the display panel so the input is much faster and easier, here is a sample of inputting poem title:
游 子 吟
you2# zi3# yin2#