Friday, November 28, 2008

To My Parting Wife

To My Parting Wife
By Han Anonymous
Translated by Laijon Liu

We tied up our hair to become husband and wife,
And our love and affection we never doubted.
We shared our joy for the present days,
And made love for all our good times.
But I was called to far place for war,
And you counted every hour of departing night.
When stars already disappeared,
And that was our parting time.
Men serving in the battlefield,
Never know the time of their reunion.
We could only hold hand and cry a long sigh,
Tears gushing for we were torn apart alive.
But we should pursue happiness with all effort,
And never forget the moment of joyful time.
If I somehow alive, then I’ll come back quick;
If death visits me, then I’ll always remember you.

To this poet that love lasts longer than death, according to his last verse.
This kind of poem is just too difficult to translate or compose, and I don't think anyone wants to write such poem or happy to read it, but I know this poem heals the poet. a likely soldier and his wife, and anyone who is in same situation, and those who passing by. And this poem is so simple and true, and it is work of humanity, that we are struggling in btwn battle and love, enemy and lover. Sigh.

