Saturday, February 17, 2024

The New Atlantis

 The New Atlantis

Laijon Liu 20240217

The wonderful continent of dream

rests deep in our hearts and ocean

her ancient colossus on the coast

calling all children to her lamppost

children wore fur, rode the mammoths

passed thru an ice bridge into her arms

children piloted warships, off their boats

they were fresh, loud and misbehaved

some were chained there, to the auction blocks

a few entry allowed, to handle the explosives

the last were all sorts of restless and poor

exodused thru the jungle, crawled in thru the fence

Oh My Dear Atlantis, My Fair Lady,

Please pick & choose, say who can stay & play.


Immigration problem really developed in America and the rest of world in recent 300 years, when a country have enough money and soldiers to patrol its border, the soldiers used to fire warning shots at none uniformed people who sneaking in the border just for the better living. and only the countries government of today can draw exactly the line of the border, but people near the border have freely accessed both part or correctly say that one part of the land since they discovered math system. and the people near the border are mixed race of both nations and languages, they are relatives, cousins.... and border wars happened only in recent century. American situation is a case study because the Europeans the Caucasian races when they migrated into America and faced the real Native Americans (who looked like Northern Chinese Ethnics, Manchurian, people have similar rain dance ritual as shaman nature belief), they voluntarily fall in line and become White people as one race to other races. that creates the false sense of unity of the people by race and the mis-identity of ownership of America. So it used to be White 'race' based government decide who can come legally, in 18th, 19th, 20th century, mainly the old immigrants, the Europeans of all nations, 95% were given legal entry stamps and legal permit of residence and work immediately in effect after they hit the shore and admitted. All they needed were their ids, boat tickets and a piece of letter of their relative or small businessman or church layman. So that's what the origin term of Fresh Off The Boat means. for a few African races, mainly judged by the color of their skin, were the young male and female caught in Africa as the TV series The Root depicts perfectly. The Chinaman, Chinese, of mainly Guangdong province, lured and lied by American foreign corps in China, told a news of Gold Rush fortune, so young Chinese men got on the American business boats off loaded in San Fransisco, and sent to build the railroad. that's called Chinaman Chance, it never means even a Chinaman can join the gold rush, it's equivalent to sold down to the river(black slave fate) and take someone for a ride(gangster saying), there's one phrase even today's American never heard, it's called "Only the Chink Handles Explosive", the PBS did a show 20 years ago, documented how the railroad was built in 19th century. The show whitewashed the phrase, commenting only pigtail Chinese man in a petite figure carrying a plate of liquid explosives jars into the tunnel to set explosive, no Irish, no Sccots, no other race are permitted to do that task. Why I post this content?

The recent trend of immigration crisis, or border crisis, or so called invasion, and Yahoo, mainstream media, some famous American white based podcast hosts really sell it as a crisis that the rest of the world of people mainly non White trying to sneak in and fuck American up. They hand pick camera focus on a few criminals and post unattractive Chinese prostitute face to paint the faces of most law abiding migrants who are here for the better living as the Europeans of the past, but they are all blocked by the visa office, then the fence, the border patrol, labelled as sneak in thru the window not invited thru the door, well, the door is just made to shut for them, they are considered lower race compare to Europeans by the American government set and built by the descendants of European Settlers. The whole US Immigration Policy is to allow European in and the other races out for 200 years. Chinese couples with marriage certificates of New York City still have to undergo grilling session of the immigration judge to see if they marry for immigration. then it's fake marriage. when the players are not White, the era is changed, are now Chinese and other races, suddenly the game rules are changed. I believe marriage is for many reasons. I mean who really marry for love today or ever in the past, not even in the fairytales, do catholic church match European princes and princesses by their feeling toward each othe? Since human couples learn the marriage ritual, well they may just do it for rosy pussy, barbie face, huge fucking cocks, for muscle, for crown, for a house and servants, for a coach or wheels, for a castle, for a free piano and lessons, for professor's salary, for award winning prestige and talents, for a bag of rice, for two kids and a goat, for a city residency permit, for a green card of the New want things of woman; so the woman asks her man to get her things she wants, if there is extra feeling grows later, that's just a extra bonus points. True love never ends well, Romeo Juliet and Titanic. I mean I fuck and marry the aliens and I don't care if they were grey or green or without a female sex organ if they can get me on their spaceship and propel me on a light speed to see another galaxy, and what's the business of the US immigration office care if the US government produced authentic marriage license that need to get another examination? How Racist Is That?! 

Like the famous American Podcast Man Joe says, even the black are angry that the migrants are given the resource of housing, food, money... but not to them? :) I am sure some of American think if they are born and bred in a brothel, then they become that brothel owners. So they have rights to discriminate and select and deselect other according to their appetite to tell who allowed to be in or out. they ridicule and say well we America always receive and get the cream of best sorts(real meaning a piece of work) when they read the news of a few stupid migrant kids doing crime. Those bad kids watched too much <<The Godfather>> and <<Gangs of New York>> movies :), and the poor ugly Chinese women from the rural watched The Immigrant film and learned a few catwalk style to make a few dime by serving the people that classy American think of them as yak! untouchable! The worst are the non White group that have watched film <<Far And Away>>, Irish Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman just bought boat tickets to America and in the end getting a piece of free land, and the real Native American standing around there seeing Tom Cruise and bunch of White men marking the land with their flags, they were dumbfounded and gobsmacked, I don't know which word is more exact.

last year I wrote a letter to New Yorker Editor email asked to do a lengthy piece of American Immigration article, to really digging into history the mainstream trying to forget and cover up thru the years, because when we really learning the history, the real facts with charts by races by percentages, we can see the matter clearly and be able to come out a best solution to solve the crisis we together have created.

This poem is an update to famous American sonnet: The New Colossus, composed in 1883, for Staten Island Statue of Liberty to welcome the European migrants on the Arrive then Accept policy, in the back drop the Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 with votes 201 to 37 and 51 abstentions. Chinks were just toad-face to them, and they were not really many that time; and not only one time I read some American post on Yahoo calling the undocumented migrant children as droppings as to pigeon shits to call canceling the birthright citizenship that Trump is selling this unconstitutional ticket to his base now. a few years ago they said Muslims are all terrorists, chanted Jews will not replace us(means "White' race), and All Live Matters(to counter Black Live Matter, this phrase even more wicked because all other races are tricked and dragged in the group to go against the black people, the tactic is called Unit And Conquer, a reverse strategy of divide and conquer, similar to the famous podcast host phrase "even the black are angry now...." :-) if they put half of their time and effort to seriously work on their English composition they can win Nobel or Pulitzer someday) but now they forget because they are too busy to parry off the Latino gangsters and ccp backed Chinese migrants infiltration attacks :) 

I just want to state all the records and watch the racist's expression, like American saying the pot calling the kettle black. the door has two functions: open and shut selectively. by stating this piece history so Americans never forget their roots, otherwise they are so entitled that their kids gonna grow up feel like kicking a chink or lynch a negro some day that's just how things were done in the great old America. Writers, Poets, Reporters should have elephant memory. the content like this will be rejected by all mainstream media because they want to powder American faces, we are all barbies, we are all kinds and color of beautiful people. But there are ugly old chinatown man faces that even their own race young women avoid to swipe left on Tinder, and those minority faces exist and always appear in the corner of the camera shot at each Kodak moment to just ruin the perfect American Image that staged and projected by some racist people with their best efforts, -oh, it flops :-)