Sunday, February 18, 2018


Laijon Liu 20180218

every drop of rain is nectar[1]
bees and honeybirds too fat to fly
all flowers are big like trees
and trees like skyscrapers

hippos are turning purple
and they blow huge soap bubbles
cows grow colorful patterns[2]
their rivulet milk thick as yogurt

whales and dolphins levitate
they gyre up into the pink clouds
and on top of hemisphere rainbows
they slide down head first laughing

[1] my original line “When you are in a dreamworld, every drop of rain is nectar” I jotted it down on my notebook a few years ago and saved it for start line of a poem, but could not build on other lines because the line“every drop of rain is nectar” is too beautiful and so unreal that I’ve been wrong and stupid searching other lines in the real world, and finally I’ve just realized today that I must go into an unreal world to find all the beautiful dreamlike images and lines.
[2] line from Hai Zi poem