Saturday, March 16, 2024

You Poor Little Thing – The Stolen Pennies


You Poor Little Thing – The Stolen Pennies

Laijon Liu 200240316

Two pennies for the poor you pinch tightly

yummy flavor of biscuit savors on your tongue

that secret guilt you bury in the ground

makes you toss and turn on your death bed

you’ve been a good boy, mommy’s angel

you’ve done all your chores all your life

but for that little pleasure you are judged

your sin you do not forgive in your grave

fallen thru the crack of heaven, falling

and stuck in a hole, peeping thru the eye of needle

your mind fixated on two rusty coins

you kneel down and rummage, to salvage

poor, guilt, pleasures, and secrets

clock chimes on our mind, thru lost we are found.