Thursday, March 26, 2020

Tonight the World Sleeps with Me

Tonight the World Sleeps with Me

Laijon Liu 20200326

Tonight the world sleeps with me, feels

that shock, trapped, isolation and uncertainty

I show everyone how to hold the breath

because the air is foul since 1975

a forager been shot and pushed into the river

that time of torrential and freaking cold

mask the world puts on, used to be that grin

self-reflect of the self identity of obscure

wild taste of pain, of animal, cheers the beast

that ignorance that savagery that brush off

tonight the world reflects, how broke we are

nothing much left that we should never brag

that sense of plenty of hope comes in a bowl

we are so brave, make our existence's check

everyone's make-shift helter-skelter skedaddle

that thrill of barely hanging on, so survived

hearing the bullshit of bullshit on radio and tv

statues melt like ice cream cones in my hands

music passes thru the skyscrapers that silent hum

an alien saucer hovering over the empty cities

strange architecture of stones, steel and glass

devoured the rats, roaches and two-leg builders

that immense volume of analog information -poof

break down, back to their primitive forms

tonight, the world is so far, it's right by my side

tonight, the world so close to me, finally

we together panting, try to draw every breath.