Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Siren Rings Days and Nights

The Siren Rings Days and Nights
Laijon Liu 20200331

The siren rings days and nights in Elmhurst

the siren rings days and nights in Jackson Heights

This proud bustling capital of the new America

now vacant and quiet like the streets of plundered Troy

piercing sound randomly traces the nearby streets

that distinctive pitch strikes the bell of heart

the dream-chasers, the naysayers of ill-fate

cramped in the share-room houses for their crumbs

their low-income pits, undocumented slum-floors

are the topics of moral diseases or undeserved faith

war draws a line, plague draws a line, prosperity

draws a huge cock-girth line between class and trash

gagged and they laugh at their own misfortunes

in shit( w)hole life they can't tell that shit smells

Oh, plumbers, dishwashers, and delivery guys

are countless immunized rodents and super spreaders

at their retirement age they line up by the pearly gates

the tickets they've paid with their backbreaking pains

the siren rings again, in a stone's throw distance

another fearless soul needs breathing support

somewhere away his family texts him 5 times today

their social distancing measured by ocean and borders

probably he has never thought of dialing 911, not him

because he has escaped the desert heat and ICE raids

he has stood on his own two feet with his rough hands

and now he's in critical bed, plugged to an oxygen tube

still thinking about his morning shift, his Friday check

the siren rings again, circling this un-American neighborhood

that sound of help somehow rings like the angel's bell.