Saturday, July 14, 2018

Epic Dream

Epic Dream
Laijon Liu 20180714

I set myself up for heartbreak
I dreamed a dream that’s too big
I know the roses will be trampled
so I feed them my bitter tears

songs must be sung for my love
and love must be a daring epic
tell my heart to take wings, tell!
or shatter into a meteor rain

I enjoyed World Cup, like every previous one. the thing is there so much tension for fans of their countries are in to try somehow win 7 matches of no-second chance, and the rest other loser nations get to enjoy, expect two strong teams to clash tooth and nail, or mostly gloat, laugh at the big name stars and potential nations to sink :) Am I a bad person? heartless? incapable of compassion? No. I am just a child enjoy watching other people's slip and fall I guess, like the ABC Best and Funniest American Video, especially the big time slip and fall, how top talents choke under pressure. there are two best things really turn on my evil side: power house nation get beat by a little guy, 90 or 120 minutes worth every minute, both side players are lost in anguish desperation and other side in jubilant and disbelief; and those glimpses of shots of fans faces, the emotion and expression, no, not the crazy hysteric winning side, but the losing side, the fans faces are the best, how they react to missing shots, relief of live for another day and proceed to the next death match, fuming watching their national team pinning down and boxing in that they somehow could not sit there and wanting to get out of packed stadium to breathe... but they are paralyzed there, unable to move or do anything. it's very cruel. I can't understand how parents bring their kids there, there are just too much for children to endure the tragedy. And,

there is another phenomenon. A nation and her fans wants to win the World Cup so much that it happened long ago that burned onto their memory of national identity, no matter how many times and every time their hearts break yet they keep telling themselves to each other that they will accomplish in the pubs, crowding and singing topless in the squares, and their kind of deep love somehow move the on-lookers like me to also want to see a happy ending, because it's logical for a happy end, it's human natural wish all good dreams come true, love comes home, that years of tears and longing must turn into joyous, hope must be materialized, that single-minded effort, that stupid boyish dream, that deep-deep love kind of should not be ridiculed. It's like a lad standing on street corner and singing toward the balcony every night that whole neighborhood wish the young woman to come out and say "Yes" so all of us will have a good night sleep. Pretty inspiring.