Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Laijon Liu 20180110

It fills you, but it can never fulfill you
when you feed it, it’s temporally gone
yet for a short period of time it reoccurs
it’s only incurable disease you must suffer

you serve it, like a good slave to its master
and you depend on it, like the air you breathe
and you’ve learned so many ways to please it
it drives you to do many unspeakable things

it gives you wings, and eyes to scan the mountain range
it gives you claws, patience, and ability to disappear
it gives you fins, and balls to dive into the icy water
it changes your brain, and reconstructs your chromosomes

were you the one stalking silently in the jungle?
were you the one swaggering and roaring on the plains?
were you both majestic and terrifying?
powerful, yet so tormented at same time?

Nature has fashioned you with that single desire
she has mothered you her only beast-child
milk, meats and all the unfortunate victims
feeding you like maidens' hearts to Apollo's lips

hunger, hunger, starving beast
in the jungle, a devouring feast
what mind can comprehend
the burning flame of purgatory?

In distant land you can’t reach
there the clear sweet streams
there the fulfill fruits you eat
there your soul rests in peace