Friday, July 25, 2014


Laijon Liu 20140725

You are a self-conscious being
a human being you name yourself
a creature of Supreme Existence
or an intelligent species of evolution

You are man, and close to monkeys
you are religious and scientific
reasonable and radically extreme
you are both the product and its maker

You are a girl, a daughter, and mom
you marry to your father’s will
or brandish your boobs on stage
you are submissive or a revolutionist

You are a boy, a son, and dad
you are born to pass down the legacy
you guard, you fight, you kill and you die
you struggle your life as an actor to his role

In front of mirror you stare at your face
the world and choices suddenly disappear
your makeup and trained beauty concept
like a rainbow dissolves in sunlight

Wind blows to the east and to the west
Green twigs burst out of earth
Settlers sing their fishing songs
You are wandering Gypsy and Vikings at sea

Yes, you are everyone and everywhere
You are pupils and teachers
You are a dreamer and a believer
You are the sunflowers at dawn
the boiling liquid in glass tubes
the amplifiers shouting in front of crowd
you are a sword's handle, a dagger's tip,
a red pill and a blue pill, a launch button….
and you are everything, or anything- But YOU.