Saturday, July 13, 2013

Secure the American Dream

Secure the American Dream
Laijon Liu 20130711

The meaning of security in dictionary:
The state of being free from danger or threat

To me security means:
The state of being free from hunger or unemployment
so people can enjoy their life, exercise liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Men in uniform with gun do not make people feel safe,
Nor an elegant speech does bring security to the common.

On our borders we build fence and walls, thru history
men routined to do that, beyond the wall there are barbarians
within the wall there are hopeless laboring slaves
on both side people cut off by the wall are secured.

I learned to compose a speech
to secure me a political position;
I learned to serve the special interest
so the majority will be saved;
I learned to protect the cracked system
and hope one day it somehow fixes itself.

NSA scan email and phone calls
they make sure America is secured;
soldiers collapse in far deserts
for the safety of their homeland;
young grads pop beer in their parents basement
a jobless shelter is temporarily secured.

I’ve never had feeling the world is safe
I am never afraid of war or terrorist extreme act
I’m in America, I trust US soldiers, cops and firefighters
but I am afraid of hunger, disease and unemployment
the tuition can shatter parents’ saving and kids’ career
the surgery cost rings like a bomb demolishes a house
as many hopeless jobless Americans I search on Craiglist
there’re some employers wouldn’t bother to post a pay rate!

Thanks to the beloved Senators and administrations
big and small corps can hire knock off oversea labors
cheap crap surge like tsunami, rise from the raped yellow earth
washing every continents and seaports
winners take all, this global market economy is secured.

I understand politicians must work for their donors first
like hounds chasing rabbits afront their riding masters
so their political career is secured,
their job creators’ pocket is secured,
the rest and middle class will hear the secure plan every 4 year
and wonder what is American Dream?

it’s American custom to watch documentary on 3rd week of Jan
together people stretch their voice repeatedly call out:
“I Have A Dream! I Have A Dream! I Have A Dream!”
til their American Dream Is miraculously Secured.

This poem is inspired by Mr. Bill Moyers' Frontline documentary film on PBS.