Friday, June 29, 2012

Girl Cutting Mango, Sam, Natalie Cutting Box

I love to watch or stare or enjoy looking at women, (there's nothing wrong, I am a guy, a guy should love something or someone beautiful, "food and lust are natural character. - Confucius" ) I can find attractiveness from every woman I think. there is inner beauty and outward fairness, like flowers or plants that poets and painters often describe in their work. Inner beauty we need to read and meditate to discover, usually women that we men live and work with; outward fairness often strikingly shine in front every men. and often countenance reveals one's character, emotion, social experience. that's why we watch movie and tv, stare at portraits in the art catalog, and a few talented novelist can write people, especially women's emotion and thought by painting characters' facial expression, look and gesture like Dream of Red Chamber. I guess because I love reading that novel and I was kind of raised by my grandma and mom so I always loved women's accompany, and I am extra sensitive to women on street or around me. their pureness of a little teenage girl, frowning or feeling bloated worrisome state in budding season, sharp and piercing wild angry nagging that drives every husband pray "O God, take this woman away.", smart and thoughtful co-worker type, administrative and authorship bossy managing type, confident and brave expression that I have seen during the earthquake, and housewife kind loving never resting character always locked in my memory. I love all of them, I even feel more close to women poets than men, I think I understand more women poet work than big name Li Po and Du Fu, I feel I'm more close to Shakespeare Sonnets because there's some sense of a woman voice in him, long enduring delicate and suffering tone, there's nothing wrong with that. Recently, there is a pretty teenage girl working her summer job at a tea house under my work building, I past by her a few times and really loved her facial expression that glows pureness and fair, so I asked her if I could take a few photo of her, as I guessed she would happily give me her permission so I did a few quick shot while she was cutting mango. she belongs to one of women beauty categories: innocent and fair or sweet.
Girl Cutting Mango




Natalie Cutting Box