Sunday, December 9, 2007

Burying Flower Song

Burying Flower Song
Mr. Cao Xuechin (Qing Dynasty)
Translated by Laijon Liu

Blossom fading, blossom fly, and blossom filled the sky;
Their color faded, fragrance gone, but who would pity them and care?
Floating floss softly swung around the spring bower,
And their falling feather kindly rested on embroidered blind.

The maiden in the boudoir grieved for the spring’s end,
Sorrow filled her heart, but without a way to express,
So she picked a rake and walked out of embroidered blind,
Gently stepped on the fallen petal pass that comes and goes.

Elm and willow also possess their own fragrance,
And they care not the splendor of plum and peach.
Plum and peach will blossom next spring,
But who would be in the boudoir at that time?

The sweet nest was built in three months,
By a heartless swallow who picked the girder.
And next year, flower blossom that he may peck,
But who knows that the people gone, girder emptied, and nest fell.

Yearly three hundred and sixty days,
Cutting winds and striking frost tortured all them.
How long they would remain their glamours?
Once they are gone, and then forever lost.

Blossom easily shown, after fall, they cannot be found;
By their grave the burier bewailed her loss.
Alone with the rake she silently cried,
And her tear fell on the empty boughs, revealed the bloody trail.

At sunset, the cuckoo sang no more,
The maiden went back and shut the door,
Dimming light shined upon the wall, she went to bed,
The cold raindropp knocking the window, and her blanket was still chill.

“Ah, the things in my heart that break all my spirit,
I pity for the spring and I’m angry with the spring:
I pity for its quick coming, and I’m angry about its swift passing.
It comes with no word and leaves me in silence.

Last night, outside, a lamentation song was heard,
Do not know it was from flower ghost or bird soul?
Whether flower ghost or bird soul, they wouldn’t stay;
Bird doesn’t sing and flower doesn’t remain.

I wish I would grow a pair wings,
Follow the petal I fly, to the end of heavens.
But in heavens
Are there any fragrance tombs?

But better I collect their beauteous bones in silk bag,
And cover their romance tale under a jar of earth,
For there they come from purely and purely they shall return,
Than rot in the dirt that cram the ditch.

Today you died and I bury you,
But when is my time that I go to the end?
Today I bury flower and people tease me and laugh,
But another year I die and who’ll bury me? ”

Look, spring withered and blossom faded,
It is time of youth getting old and to their end.
One day, spring ends and youthful face gets old,
Flower fall and maiden gone, they’d both forget about each other.

The author is the greatest writer in Chinese Literature and literature, poet, novelist. His book ‘Dream of Red Chamber a.k.a. Story of Stone” is the best literature I think. And if anyone wants to know about Chinese culture and literature, his book is the one.

The poem is from his book, chapter 27, Volume 2, a main character, Daiyu, a teenage girl buries fallen flower according to one of Chinese tradition on April 26, called “Ceremony to flower goddess / Flower Sacrifice”.

It is very difficult to translate his verse. There is a very good translation:


《葬花吟》 曹雪芹



























二十七回 滴翠亭杨妃戏彩蝶 埋香冢飞燕泣残红

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Jiang Cheng Zi - Qin Guan

Jiang Cheng Zi
By Mr. Qin Guan (1049-1100), Song Dynasty Poet
Translated by Laijon Liu

In the city west, the willow enjoying spring wind,
It reminded my parting sorrow,
and my tears I could not refrain.
I still remembered you, my sensation
fastened the returning boat.
The green field and red bridge,
were the image of that day,
You were gone,
and the river still flowed.

Beauty does not wait and stay for the early youth,
Oh my long suffering sorrow,
when would it stop?
It's time of cotton flying and petal falling,
And I walked on top of the building.
Look, the spring river is filled with tear,
Shedding and flowing, does not cease,
So much sorrow.


Qin Guan, A poet of Song Dynasty, one of students of Mr. Su Shi. He was one of the best writers for sorrow note, lyrics, poem of Song Dynasty.






便(that)做(seems)春(spring)江(river)都(all)是(is/are)泪(tear),流(flow)不(not)尽(end),几(how) /许(so) 多(much)愁(sorrow)。

Friday, November 30, 2007

Shui Diao Ge Tuo - Su Shi

Shui Diao Ge Tuo
By Mr. Su Dong Po (Mr. Su Shi) (1037-1101) , Song Dynasty Poet
Translated by Laijon Liu

O bright moon, how often do you appear?
I held up the wine cup and asked the gray sky.
Tonight, in heaven's palace,
what is the time and year?

I would ride the wind to go back there,
But I’m afraid of its marble mansions, jade eaves,
That they are too high and too chill.
So I rise and dance, and my shadow swings,
How is this human world compare with yours?

Your circling rosy chambers;
Your lowly curtained gates;
Shine upon the sleepless ones.
And I should not have any complaints,
But why do you shine your fullness in departure times?

Life meet griefs and joys, in departure and reunion;
Moon circles in clouds and fine, in fullness and wanings;
Such things never suit our desire since ancient time.
But I still wish that lovers may live a long life,
And share their grace from thousand miles apart.



丙辰(1076 CE)中秋(Moon Festival), 歡(happy)飲(drink達(till)旦(sun rise),
大醉(heavily drunk/intoxicated),
兼懷(miss/think of)子由(Zi You, his young brother)。

明(bright)月(Moon)幾時(what time)有(have/appear),
不知(Don't know)天(heaven)上(above)宮(palace)闕(hall),

我(I)欲(want to/would like to)乘(ride)風(wind)歸去(go back),
高(high)處(place)不(not)勝(win/over come)寒(coldness)。
起(rise/get up)舞(dance)弄(play)清(clear/chilly)影(shadow),


但(but/only)願(wish/hope)人(people/life)長久(long time),
千(thousand)里(li)共(togehter/share)嬋娟(lover's grace)。


I really did tumble on translating this, coz I love this poem. And I am afraid of my poor ability, so I did a word for word translation with Chinese, hope readers could see my mistakes for my respect to Mr. Su Shi and his great poem.

According to the note, that this poem was composed in moon festival time (as time of Thanksgiving, a whole family time), the content fits, but I need to inform that this poem that Mr. Su Shi wrote for himself and readers. His younger brother was also a famous poet, that he had not seen for 7 years, so he noted this poem for his brother. Some people may think that he loved his brother in a weird way, but I doubt. Poet send each other their new poem often, just for the love of poem.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


蹴鞠志 - 劉壘鐘

足球詩詞, 現代楚辭

(本片詩文屬原稿人所有, 未經許可,不得轉載,篡改,抄習. 如若片段摘錄或引用, 必須添加本詩名,作者,及源稿網址為出處,
例: 鞠蹴志 - 劉壘鐘

足球之史兮, 源於中國.
西安半城村, 古墓石球為考.
殷周之舞球兮, 祭嗣神靈之器.
雨兮雨兮, 球舞而落兮.
春秋戰國之亂兮, 鞠場之為樂土.
齊之蹴鞠人兮, 約記二十萬.
昔日之高祖兮, 宮之鞠城已建.
汗軍之演武兮, 蹴試於兵.
太史之錄載兮, 蹴之為六藝.
霍衛之糧竭兮, 蹴鞠以娛軍.
東汗之蹴女兮, 汗闕繪於壁上.
唐宋之蹴風, 今巴,阿人何以知.
宋之亂臣兮, 以其藝而封相.
明之彭雲秀兮, 技藝比孫雯.

英之炮艦響兮, 鴉片相見,足球重現.
清人之愚兮, 喜烏而棄球.
八國聯軍, 日俄之侵.
艦炮之逼, 東亞病夫始生.
華人與狗不得入兮, 有幾載.
國殘家破, 英雄並出;
白手峙敵, 前仆后繼;
英逸日降, 和平盛世.
國人常恨兮, 病夫辱,南京恨,
中華兒女之怨兮, 何日以血?

天兮帝兮, 降世人於足球.
名負友誼兮, 實恩怨相報.
綠茵沙場兮, 榮辱之競技.
馬兒意氣兮, 智藝報國恥.
世人感慨兮, 大丈夫之為.

沖亞之夢兮, 淚洗幾代人.
望世強之一席, 國人莫不早悻晚嘆.
容志之行, 古廣之名,
本是同根兮, 相煎何之急.
昨日丕植戲, 上演五一九.
八九不得志, 三分敗下來.
施拉普納, 伊而比德,
番姓洋名, 國人皆記.
昔威光掃揚州, 今我輩失金州.
忽有西人來, 神奇叫米盧.
天祐中國, 抽出亞洲!

世界之杯兮, \"中國!\"
十億振奮兮, \"我來了!\"
昨日之夢兮, 今日之恨.
敗於夜狼兮, 人口不過四百萬.
巴人之傲兮, 世人皆知,
我衣不換兮, 國腳糾纏以要.
西有土耳奇, 古之名突須.
千年番邦恥, 今之報國足.
中國人觀之, 無顏見祖宗.
舊日之輝煌兮, 今以不在.
米盧之聲業兮, 無出二人,
四次帶隊兮, 皆居十六強,
朝夜之經營兮, 今毀於一旦.
后世人曰: 葬於中國人之手.

但見國足兮, 而立之年,
技不比二十兮, 力不能跑全場.
別人帶球兮, 咱爺兒們就是跟不上.
吾輩無恥兮, 辱為華夏兒.
\"藝不如人\"兮, 遮掩懶惰習.
嘆阿Q精神兮, 俺們也沒有.
小兒聽而問之: \"原其不自問?!\"
球藝通於道, 不知不為恥.
然體力不夠兮, 實唯缺乏鍛煉.
世人啊世人, 球迷呼球迷,
甲A,甲B, 非甲也, 實為假也!


我家有美酒兮, 無杯以盛.
嘆曹魏之舉杯兮, 人生幾何!
今無沙場兮, 遍地有綠茵.
大丈夫兮, 莫能馬革尸還,

吾效武穆兮, 還我山河!
血織白衣, 腳踏釘鞋,
沖殺草場, 與君去寒遮日!
藝不如人兮, 今當發奮!
夜負四十磅, 幾載阿巴不敢相望.
中華兒女, 神洲英豪;
不成王侯, 寧為虎豹!
誓報日韓恥, 不為后人笑!
不封神, 亦作鬼,
球場上, 寧不為人下!
觀冠鞠蹴兮, 在世之洲;
窈窕淑女兮, 君子好球!







但俺已不再陶醉, 喝醉, 或心碎...

風兒, 勁兒刮嚘,
扶穩嘍, 別趴下!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Questions for Mirage World

Questions for Mirage World

Sunshine, where you stay at night?
Do not hide beneath the earth!
When the dark hour close on,
Whose hands will you hold on?

Moonlight, where you rest in daylight?
Do not rush up for a new dawn!
When the sky is torn by a rosy finger,
Whose dream will your mood feed on?

Ah stars, dust clouds and sand sea,
Shut your blinking flickering eyes!
When the time ends, North Pole melts,
Whose thought will you amuse?

Mountains, rivers, and winds,
Listen to my desperate cries!
When I journey into a lost land,
Who will adore your honey milk?

Voice, words, and songs,
Grace of perfect illusions!
When I’m fed up, refuse to listen,
Who will shed tears for your tales?

Life, works, in this mirage world,
Ponder the mind of Hamlet’s stage.
When a fine dream finds a glad ending,
Who would see its nightmare meaning?

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Cowherd and Vega

Pre-Qin Tale (Qi Xi Festival)

Rewritten by Laijon Liu (2007.08.22)

Part 1: Two Lovers met

Long ago, there was a cowherd.
He had an old cow and a broken furrow.
He went out to farm everyday, just after dawn,
and came back home every night, after dusk.
After his work, he must cook and do laundry.
He lived a very hard life.
But he was a hardworking young man,
and never lost his courage.

But one day, he came home,
entered the door and found out
his room was cleaned and his clothes were washed,
and there, on his table, a delicious meal was ready and still warm!

The Cowherd opened wide his eyes
and questioned himself: “What happened?!
An Angel visited my home?!”
Anyway, he was very hungry, so he ate the meal.

After that day, same thing
happened to him everyday.
And he was very confused
and deeply bothered by this.
So he decided to find out
the answer behind as
picking a stone out of stream.

One day, he got up early as always,
walked out the door on to his work.
But after a few steps, he turned back,
quickly went back to his house,
and hid outside his house where
no one could see him, there he was
peeking into his room.

Yeah, just after a while,
there came a beautiful lady!

She had
Small white-grass fingers,
Milky and creamy scented skin,
Gorgeous swan-liked neck,
Long and stunning legs,
Silky dark cloud of her hair
Could not block her ocean eyes,
Rose lips covered
Her white corn teeth,
Her white designer's cloth was not earthly
(Inspired by Shi Jing/Book of Odes)

What a beautiful angel!
A true Miss Universe!
She walked into his house and
started cooking and cleaning!

The Cowherd could not wait,
stepped into his house and asked:
“Lady, would you please tell me why
you help me do such work?”
The lady was started, felt embarrassing,
replied him in a tiny voice with flushing:
“My name is Vega.
I saw you doing all these works,
and without a helper.
So I came and helped you a little.”

The Cowherd heard, and felt so happy,
fell in a exceedingly blossoming joy.
And he hurried asked Vega:
“Then please stay with me,
we be together in bitterness and sweetness,
and use our hands to build our happy life!”

And Vega nod her head with flushing.
So they were married as husband and wife,
“The man furrows and the woman sews”,
together they started their happy life.

Part 2: Love cannot be separated

Seven years later, they had two children,
One girl and one boy, what a happy family!

One afternoon, the cowherd was in the field,
Ploughing the earth,
suddenly the sky changed his face,
Into darkling color.
Gloomy clouds, gushing wind storms,
Thunders, bolts, beating rain drops,
Earth lost her calmness,
Covered in dancing dusts,
Trees were shaking violently…

The cowherd was so scared,
and trembling in fear.
And he ran back to his house.
There was no sight of Vega,
Only his two children were crying on the floor.
He held his two children in his arms,
And did not know what to do.

Suddenly, sunlight shined upon earth again,
Clouds were swept away, rain stopped,
Wind found his usual course,
And the sky was in his blue face again.
Vega opened the door, stepped in
With sorrowful look on her face.

She held cowherd’s hand,
And hugging her children, said:
“I am not from common family,
I lived in heavens, not on earth.
The empress of celestial palace is my grandma,
And now she sent her servants here
to bring me back to where I came from.
I must go with them, otherwise
She will not give peace to earth.
So goodbye, take care each other,
I will look upon you from heaven,
And one day we will be together.”

Then she cried a desperate cry,
Her bitter tears rained upon her children’s face.
After, she walked out alone,
ascended into a tiny cloud, was gone.

The cowherd watched and listened
All these, a sudden blow to his heart,
Fell in blank, still could not believe,
And was sitting on the ground,
Held his children, yet could not hear
Their crying, and knew not what to do.

After a long while, he stood up,
And yelled out:
“I cannot let my wife leave me!
I cannot let my children lose their mom!
I must leave home to find her!
I must find my wife Vega!”
But he was much troubled,
That his two children were too young,
And how could people live on earth
Find a way to ascend to heaven?

He was deeply troubled and frustrated.
Suddenly he heard a low voice:
“Don’t be troubled, my friend.
You can make two baskets
To carry your children on your way;
I am a holy cow, put on my skin,
Drink my blood, and eat my body,
and I will lift you up, you may fly
To where you want to go,
from Earth to Heaven.
I was born for this time and purpose.”

The cowherd turned his head,
Looked at his old cow, and was surprised,
That his old cow just talked to him!
“Holy Cow!”

How could he raise his dagger
Against his friend, companion?
He loved his old friend.
The cowherd refused.
But his old cow insisted,
And stopped eating and drinking,
Or even speaking!

After three days, the old cow grew weaker.
The cowherd was out of solution.
So he took his dagger,
walked to his old pal,
and held the dagger in shaking hand,
his eyes were drowning in tears,
his heart was beating in pain,
yet he did not say a word,
kissed his old pal in the head.

And his old pal stood in peace,
was also in tears,
looked at the cowherd for the last time,
and shut her eyes.
She did not speak a word,
for she was afraid
that her voice would change the cowherd's mind.

And there the cowherd held up his dagger,
put the blade under her neck,
pulled his dagger,
cut off his old pal's throat.
There the old cow fell in silence.
"Holy Cow!"

So, the cowherd did what his old cow told him.
Thereafter, all cows cry and shed tears
when they get butchered.

After the cowherd completed his old cow's will,
and there he and his children flied,
From their yard to the sky,
Carried by cloud they flowed into heavens.
They entered into the celestial palace,
Stood in front the empress of celestial palace.

The empress was an unreasonable ageless angel,
Very proud queen with stereotype.
She disliked the cowherd, judged him
By his look, skin and his cover,
And ignored his truthful heart and mind.

Because since Heaven and earth were created,
Waters were made in between them to cleanse,
And to also separate common and holy.
Angels in heavens do not marry down
To the mortal people live on earth,
Just like beautiful swans flying in skies
Never listen to the song of frogs in the pond.

The Empress must keep the order,
So she figured out a way to refuse the cowherd,
Her son in Law on earth.
And she said to the cowherd:
“I have seven beautiful daughters,
I do not know which of my daughters
Were in love and marriage with you.
But I will order them
To stand in front of you.
If you can tell who is your Vega,
Then I will let you bring her home.”

The cowherd knelt down
In tears and bowed his head,
Thanked the empress, said: “yes!”

After a while, all seven daughters
Came and stood in front of the cowherd,
With all their faces covered by veil.
What a trick!
The cowherd was confused.
At the same moment, his two children
In a same voice called out,
jumped out of their baskets,
and ran toward their mom.

“Oh my, nothing separates children and their mom!”
the empress just realized.
And she quickly gave an order
Had her guards dragged Vega away
To the far heavens.
She abandoned her word.

The cowherd saw that, in rush he
put his children into his baskets,
and started chasing Vega,
without tiredness, hunger, nor thirst.
Because man is filled
only by pursuing his love.

The empress watched.
The cowherd ran closer and closer.
And Vega could almost see her children’s faces.

The empress was in deep anger,
Drew out her silver magic hairpin,
Stroke a long line in between
The cowherd and Vega.

The long line became a stream,
The stream became a silver river,
Filled by billions stars in heavens,
Named “The Milky Way”.

From that time to today,
the couple were separated by this,
they could only stand on each side
and look at each other.

But soon after, their love story
Was heard everywhere on earth,
and moved the spirits of magpie.
So every year, on seventh day of July
of the traditional calendar,
all the magpies on earth join together,
fly into the Milky Way,
and build a long love bridge.
And the cowherd and Vega and their family
Meet, reunite, and remind people on earth
With their love story and vow.

Author's Note:

People walk in world do ask one question:
Why Love is above all things worth?
That pursuers risk their life and in death search;
Immortal angels descend, and common rise;
Heaven and earth are the same in one place;
Even birds and beasts are in one speech?
Loyal friends serve each other with swords;
Flesh and spirits unite for a single purpose;
Even worlds apart but couple still bridges;
Old gossip becomes some yearly rituals?
For youngster to mature and be please,
Even all generations treasure such unseen faith.
We do not know, but we can only believe,
That all fairy tales may help us to achieve.

Fairy On The Magpie Bridge
Song Dynasty. Qin Guan

Mending clouds playing thoughts,
Crossing stars messaging griefs,
Through the dark vast Milky Way
we came across from far away.

Our meeting as morning dew in autumn winds,
But it surpassed all common reunions on earth.

Tenderly our feelings streaming flow,
And a good date in our dreams glow,
How can I turn away from the magpie bridge
to the returning road?

If the love of two forever lasts,
Then does it matter
that we can't abide days and nights?


Friday, August 24, 2007

Shi Jing 45 Floating Boat

From: Book of Ode
Period: Spring and Autumn
Section: Songs of Yong State
(Collected by Confucius)
Translated by Laijon Liu (2007.08.24)

The cypress boat in current she floats,
In the center of river she roves.
The lad with the tufts hairdo
Is just the one I really admire;
I swear, till death there won’t be no other.
But, oh Heaven, oh mother!
Why don’t you understand me!

The cypress boat in current she floats,
To the bank of river she perches.
The lad with the tufts hairdo
Is just the one my heart matches;
I swear, till death I won’t change my mind.
But, oh Heaven, oh mother!
Why don’t you sympathize me!

The poet might be a young teenage girl who loved some young lad, but she could not do anything about it, coz her mother already decided for her. She compared herself as a boat that goes to the direction carried by the river current. And She might be married to someone who is not as young as lovely as “The lad with the tufts hairdo”. The boat in center of river she floats to where her heart goes, but she must perch on the bank (maybe forced) as love and marriage serves the purpose of security, reality. Jeez, it is really difficult to choose for our daughters’ marriage: A musician (basically a beggar, or drunk, drug addict, but much poetic and artistic or even profound, usually young and always cool); or a politician (a successor in both finance and status through oil and drug or strong arm business, a shameless liar and poor actor, often aging and always subtle) But thank God, now our parents cannot choose.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Shi Jing 35 Streaming Wind

From: Book of Ode
Period: Spring and Autumn
Section: Songs of Wei State
(Collected by Confucius)
Translated by Laijon Liu (2007.08.19)

Screaming, screeching, the streaming wind,
It is cloudy, rainy, and gloomy sky.
Husband and wife shall encourage each other,
They should not have any angers and blame.
As if we gather cabbages and radishes,
That we shall not throw away their roots.
Let us not forget our graceful words:
“Be with you together until our death!”

As I walked on my road slowly,
But my feet and heart are in disagreeing.
I do not wish you to go with me for long,
But I never expected you just stopped by the door.
Who said the edible plant is so bitter?
But to me it is sweet as shepherd's purse.
Your new marriage is feasting in happiness,
And you two are so close and brotherly.

River Wei joins into river Jing, defiled her surface,
But the bottom of river Jing is still very clear.
Your new marriage is feasting in happiness,
But please stop saying that I am unclean.
Please do not come to my fishing dam,
Please do not lift up my fishing baskets.
Even you do not respect my faithfulness,
Who would care about my name and family?

Marriage is river where is too deep,
Then we shall cross it in a boat.
Marriage is river where is shallow,
Then we shall swim to across it.
If we really lack or need anything,
Then we shall seek it in strength and heart.
Even our neighbor meet any disaster,
We offer our hands in crawling or running.

If you really do not love me I understand,
But why you look at me as if I’m your enemy.
All my love and grace you never accepted,
As if I’m junk that no one is willing to bid.
Our past life were in suffering of poverty,
We supported each other to overcome all troubles.
Now your life is in a good and easy shape,
But you compare me to a venomous insect.

I am like a preserved dry vegetable you stored,
That just for you to get pass the winter season.
Your new marriage is feasting in happiness,
But please do not use me to prevent poverty,
Please stop venting and ranting at me.
Please do not force me into any heavy labor.
All our past love and goodwill are forgotten,
And your grace and my love are gone and vanished.

The poet might be a wife who lived with her husband for some difficult and suffering time. And after their life got better, her husband found new love and abandoned her, married a young girl, and despised his old/first wife, and used his wife as his slave or servant or something. I really felt her paining. And I decided not to look or support for polygamy marriage. If I need to battle my wife for whole life, then to death I will fight with or against her like the TV show: “Everybody loves Raymond”. :-)
This poem is for every wife.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Shi Jing 31 Banging Drum

From: Book of Ode
Period: Spring and Autumn
Dynasty: Eastern Zhou
Section: Songs of Wei State
(Collected by Confucius)
Translated by Laijon Liu (2007.08.16)

Banging the drum, dang, dang, dang,
Eager soldiers raise their arms.
They all fortify our citadel and canals,
But I follow my regiment to the south.

I serve my general Sun Zi Zhong,
To make peace for State of Chen and Song.
For our engagement that I cannot return,
So I am in worry and anxiety.

Where I shall look for shelters?
Where I will find my horse?
And how I should search?
Maybe the answer is hiding in the woods.

“Our vow is beyond death and life”,
I and you are together I always remembered.
I will hold your hand,
And together we grow old.

Too pitiful we are faraway apart,
The distance separates us to meet again!
Too miserable this takes forever,
And it does not let us fulfill our vow!

The poet may be an elite soldier of State of Wei.
He followed his general Sun Zi Zhong served near the border of State of Chen and Song (two states were in conflict), and stayed there. He was anxiously waiting for the order to return to his home there his wife was. And during the operation, he lost his horse, which was a desperate situation (horses in ancient time carried soldier supply and weapons, are life companion for soldiers in advance or retreat), he lost his horse, his supply, maybe his armor and weapons, and the road he was facing that he may lose his life so he may never go back. In all these mess, he started searching, and somehow at this hopeless moment he started to revisit his happiest moment, when he together vowed in marriage ceremony with his wife, and he was even afraid that he might never see his love again.
The end of our life, reminds us the true happy moment, experience, value... Confucius said:" At the end of man's life, his words are graceful; At the death of a bird, his song is in grievous tone.

It is unfair to put anyone in such situation: "To kill or to be killed".
The poet's questions are common for everyone in desperate time, when we cannot run away and our future is in other people's decision. When nations or states look for honour, justice, righteousness, peace... their actions and methods often fall into violence. So commons' life, happiness and value are at stake, become sacrifice of their leaders' faith and belief. So the poet asked "Where I shall look for shelters? Where I will find my horse(his life companion)? How I should find?" And "Maybe the answer is hiding in the woods." He might be thinking to seek a way out, that to hide in the forest, away from society?

And His last statement for his true value is his home, his love, his fulfillment of his vow is his true duty. Hero's duty is to pursue love.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Shi Jing 29 Sun and moon

From: Book of Ode
Period: Spring and Autumn
Dynasty: Eastern Zhou
Section: Songs of Wei State
(Collected by Confucius)
Translated by Laijon Liu (2007.08.14)

Sun and moon, listen to my grievance!
Your great lights shining upon earth.
But I have never seen such man,
Who forgot his home and course.
He keeps not vow of husband and wife,
And why he refuses to come into my room?

Sun and moon, listen to my grievance!
Your great lights shining upon earth.
But I have never seen such man,
Who forgot my love and grace.
He keeps not vow of husband and wife,
Why he leaves me alone in my empty room?

Sun and moon, listen to my grievance!
Your great lights shining upon earth.
But I have never seen such man,
Who lost his honor and Heaven’s bliss.
He keeps not vow of husband and wife,
And I should forget him, away with sorrow.

Sun and moon, listen to my grievance!
You rise from east with shining rays.
Ah- my daddy and my mommy,
My husband loves me no more.
He keeps not vow of husband and wife,
And I will not suffer in sorrow any more!

The poet may be a young and just married wife lived in State of Wei. She complained about her husband that stopped loving her. And she eventually thinks wisely that “Anyway he does not keep his vow, so she gives up her sorrow, or maybe seeks a new beginning.”

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Poem of Earth and Her Seasons

Just My Random Thoughts

Part I (2007.07.26)

Autumn is disappeared,
Spring is also vanished.

Trees do not stand in flame any more,
Grass tossed away their olive dress,
Fruits are thirsty and hang in tiny shapes.
What’s left is just winter and summer.
Winter without white snow,
And summer of burning sun.

I still remembered of the past,
When I was little, and there…

Seasons were my friends and family.
Each of them visited me periodically.
They came comely and left gently,
And brought me their unique gifts bountifully.

Wind sang His song tenderly
to accompany each their steps,
and Earth dressed up on time
in Her famous designer’s clothes,
fashionable, and enticing with tease.
All Her children played in sunshine,
And lived joyfully in a living dance.

White clouds moved above the skies,
As the spindrift of billow in the oceans,
Cleaned the wings of eagles and swans.
Even the petal shirt of flowers were moistened,
And nourished in rainy drops of bliss.

Moon smiled at me every nite,
Her beauteous face shined her lite,
altered in unchangeable timing tide,
varied in her inimitable shape and line,
revealed her mood of full and undine.

Stars shooting in the deep oceans,
With their glittering eyes in sparking,
Some stayed forever and some played and hid.
They witnessed and held the truth,
For billion and billion years testimony.

But now,
Spring threw away her green dress,
She refused to come.
Autumn did not stay very long,
Coz she lost her jam.

Summer rushed in every year, very early,
With her unbearable heating sun.
All my flowers hunched their back,
And each of them lowered their heads.

Winter seemed lost her peaceful mind,
And out of control for sometime;
She gave Earth no rest.
She tore up Her white long coat,
Holding all the pieces,
and swinging them in midair back and forth.
She screamed, yelled, and mourned,
And her icy tears dropped on the ground,
So cold-

I did not know
why she lost her peace.
It looked like I offended her
with an unforgivable fault.

So I looked into my mind,
And in my sleep I searched deeply...

Part II (2007.07.27)

There, in the window of my living room,
I saw a little boy figure
Walked haltingly
Against the violent freezing wind.
Snow covered his passing footprints,
And wind welcomed him in His harsh will.
The boy bent forward and bowed his head,
And his figure was smaller even more,
Shivering in the blizzard storm.

I glanced at my small fireplace,
Enough branches filled its side,
And a weak flame dancing in it
with a calm and luxury motion.

Outside, a different world-
Winter waved her torn white coat,
And shouting incomprehensibly in rage.

But the boy seemed overly stubborn,
Or maybe lack of intellect,
Continually wrestled against wind
In each his step and tiny footprints.

Suddenly, wind slowed down His rhythm,
And winter stopped her insanity,
Dropped her coat, started panting,
As if she was tired and needed a rest
To regain her energy for next round.

The boy fell upon the snow, was sitting,
And very tired.
He looked into the skies and asked:

“Are you angry, or mad?
Did you lose your peace?
When the people on earth can have rest? ”

Winter did not answer,
Yet gave the boy no attention,
Still kept her panting.

But wind blew in slow note,
Smoothly in an easy stream of spring
As I heard in the past.

His vocal tone vibrated in slightest sound.
I shut my eyes, and listened…

A great song, an old tale:

Part III (2007.08.18 )

Long ago, I slept in a deep vanity
And my thought as water it flowed:
Ha- in silence I heard a mighty blow,
And in darkness I saw light thru smoke.

Earth, a pitiful woman sat in flame,
In agony she endured her birth pangs.
Sizzling skin of her covered in blister,
Burning magma spilled from her scars,
Poison gas sprayed from her every cell.

Her body quaked, trembled, shook;
Her muscle collapsed and fell in pieces;
Her eyes were dry and lifeless,
Her heart suffered in stokes and storms.
She cried, screamed, yelled… for hope.

One day she lost all her strength,
and gave up all her efforts, fell
in a deep peaceful sleep.

In her dream she saw:

A girl dreamt an unreal dream,
She saw herself cured and healed
In a long silent night’s rest,
She saw her dressed a flowery cloth,
Dancing in the song of wind.
She saw her grew up in sunshine…
A beautiful lady was dancing
With a good-looking young man.

But I did not hear her man’s name,
Nor His handsome face I did see

I could only guess or search or waiting
Or believe maybe,
Maybe tomorrow I would know,
Or one day He might come and tell me…

So I waited, as earth waited for Him.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

No Gun, Please, No More Guns!

No gun, please, no more guns!
It is a sinful invention of human art,
the machine of killing shall never be raised,

No gun, please, no more guns!
It is the wicked pens
for the worst writers that authored our history.

No gun, please, no more guns!
It is never a right brush
for our brothers to paint us as their enemy.

No gun, please, no more guns!
It is not even a hunting tool
for our children to kill our lovely pets!

No gun, please, no more guns!
It is not symbol of Liberty
for our founding father to claim our independence.

No gun, please, no more guns!
It is camera of death
for its every shot, the shock of our tragedy.

No gun, please, no more guns!
It is dreadful whistle
for our ballet angels and teddy bears to cease.

No gun, please, no more guns!
Let us change our channel,
if the bullets flying on our TV screen.

No gun, please, no more guns!
Let not our gray hair weep
for the death of their young hopes.

No gun, please, no more guns!
Let us shut our ears
to the tyrants' advice for their violent protection.

No gun, please, no more guns!
Let our heroes fight with faith, love and peace,
not through guns, swords, jets and ships.

No gun, please, no more guns!
Let our every vote counts,
No-gun world, no-gun countries, no-gun states, and no guns.

No gun, please, no more guns!
The sinful death hole is pointing at our beings,
we claim our rights: No gun, please, no more guns!

No gun, please, no more guns!
We dream of one day
that “gun” is out of our dictionary.