Saturday, April 13, 2024

Fawn’s Lullaby


Fawn’s Lullaby

Laijon Liu 20240413

how’s my child? how’s my fawn?

come drink the spring to quench your thirst

how’s my child? how’s my fawn?

the twigs are chewy, the berries are sweet

the sun smiles with its gentle rays

the wind dresses you with a sprinkle of blooms

the meadow is green, the woods is your home

the wide world you run & roam, never fear the traps

how’s my child? how’s my fawn?

go find that cave faraway we can hide

how’s my child? how’s my fawn?

there we rest on the soft bed of grass

we sing our mother’s lullaby:

hugs and kisses make all hurts go away.


Grimm tale Little Brother and Little Sister is a pretty moving piece. To me it’s more poetic than other famous tales adopted by Disney and other writers and poets. Because most tales are the creation of real live and real living experiences that passed down thru retelling of folk gossip or record of real events and later turned to different narrative and ending according to the tellers own experience and understanding and ideal they want to or exhibit their artistic imagination. If people never really grow up thru a terrifying abusive environment since childhood, they cannot relate to some stories like this, so they can’t write their mind and feeling no matter how talented they are. For people who understand this tale, this tale is for you, I speak to you now, your tear trickles in your heart like the spring that fawn drinks. You are not alone, don’t fight it, you need to cast out that demon and be healed!!!