Friday, November 3, 2023

Joker 2

 Joker 2

Laijon Liu 20231102

Chaos brings out the goodness in people

or so it seems, because they don't pretend anymore

all in the open, their natural instincts, counteractions

of fight or flight... that pod of feeding frenzy

those cocky faces in control suddenly looked lost

trapped in their own minefield, the game they host

capsized ships captains hauling their cheap labors

their faces hang and haw, freeze, and choked

seeing their pyramid implode, and their priests croaked

whatever their schemed faith burns like their cash to ash

a face of a juvenile sticking up a cash register

too high risk for scraps, who pushed him onto that road?

many those pain chart faces, still innocent and insecure

how the victims of need take back their life and dignity?