Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Lions

The Lions
Laijon Liu 20181225

There can be no covenants
between lions and men!”      - Homer


Lions do not abide ten commandments!
Lions dwell in Nature, feast
with their absolute strength and liberty!

dawn trembles at their long deep roars
the fragile heart of night is trampled
under their giant paws

nomadic pride marks the border
of their free will
residential rulers happy to prey
on the meek and lowly

idle away their daylight, bask in sun
and take down the world at one fell swoop!

Lions constitute their nations
Lions pursue and possess their happiness
Lions move and cull their herds
Lions hunt men and sheep

Lions know what is fear
Lions can also feel pain
so Lions exert all that-
with their righteous wrath!
so they can live like Lions
as Lions do!