Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sonnet 038

Sonnet 038
Laijon Liu 20160323

You and yourself are your subject to invent
And your breath pours into my verses too
Your own sweet argument, too excellent
Let every four-eye pedant scratch his head
Please give yourself thanks and fun for me
That worth every hour we rack our brains
For everything is so easy to write for you
If you see yourself in your invention light
You Are the Tenth Muse, the Living Muse
Ten times more worth than those nine dead names
Now, call your name: Creativity and New!
Sing out your life and never fade.
Thank you Bard and your mighty Muse
The pain you go through, now we praise!

Talk about Creativity, my 2 cents is a long time Observation and Meditation combine on the subject we study, we learn to observe and meditate. Human Being is creative animal, it's our brain evolution. Everybody is creative and should be creative, unless we are lazy, and we give ourselves excuse to dally. Rome isn't built in one day, so the pyramids and Great Wall, so the Iliad and Hamlet. It takes millions years to make fire with 2 dry sticks. keep going at it. what?!