Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sonnet 006

Sonnet 006
Laijon liu 20160221

Pretty faces are everywhere, winters destroy them in mass
Selfies, portraits, death masks, and many shape mirrors
That’s how we men live our live on Earth
Each one is unique, registering its own feeling and age
Good things should multiply, women make babies
Hollywood handsome actor kisses hot actress in every film
Fairytale princess with knightly prince lock eye and hand
And then they live happily after, procreate ten children
Life’s purpose is to produce, to abide Nature’s order
To compete, to outdo, to pass down that holy purpose
Birds chirp, flash their feather, men name as fragrance spread
Let Nature select the best in Nature’s beauty standard
To live, endure, and leave in peace without a trace
We men must pass through these biological steps