Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Laijon Liu 20130611

I like the rain
the feel of droplets
falling on my face

early April blooms
quench their thirst
and soaked in joy

it comes with songs
composes its own melody
from spring to fall

it sings serenade
it bangs capriccio
it cries elegy

warm, cold, and wet
fresh, fragrant, and oily
this body yearns for touch

drizzle, thunder, downpour
all heaven’s cleansing
the plants tremblingly receive

No, I do not say no to rain
No, We cannot say no to rain
forecast and raincoat are not choice

I like the rain
the days I miss sunshine
the nights of quiet solitude

the world, my thoughts
and all are submerged
in a dark deluging symphony

These couple days, it rains hard. Many people don’t like the rain, but I think rain is beautiful, sensual, spiritual, and prosperous.