Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Poet Li Yu 937-978

Poet Li Yu

He was a young king, and captured and surrendered when he was old.
He was one of the best poets for Chinese Ci poetry.
The following are three of his lyrical Ci poems.

Wave Wash Sand
By Li Yu (937-978)
Translated by Laijon Liu20090615

Outside the window, rain drizzling.
My silk shirt can’t stop the midnight cold.
In my dream, I forgot I was just a guest,
And still struck by the joy of moment.

Alone I stood on the balcony,
Staring at this limitless landscape blankly.
How are we, so easy to depart
And too difficult to meet?

The river slowly flows,
The flowers silently fade,
And the spring gone away.
Ah, heaven and world!


Yu Mei Ren
By Li Yu (973-978)
Translated by Laijon Liu20090615

Spring blossom, and autumn moon,
They are circling,
But when shall they cease?

Memories, and the past,
How much are they,
That I should recall?

Last night, the east wind blew,
Again it past by my small chamber.
It reminded me of my home state,
That I dare not to think,
But the image
Still shining in the bright moon.

Those carved railings,
And pale marble stairs,
They should remain the same;
Only our young face changed.

Do not ask me
how much sorrow
I must bear,
It’s like a river
full of spring ripples
That rolling to the east.


Crow Cry Night
By Li Yu (973-978)
Translated by Laijon Liu20090615

The flowery trees faded their spring red,
Ah, too soon!
Yet the cold rains drizzle in morning,
And winds gushing at the evening.

Their rouge mixed with their tears,
Made me drunk, but when I can revisit?
Life always with griefs, is like a river
That always streams to the east.