Monday, May 4, 2009

象棋 Chinese Chess

Laijon Liu 2009

红绿两军分营垒, 万象征战一盘棋.
楚河汉界曾盟誓, 结义弟兄背信争.
驱车纵马斩士相, 火石发炮灭卒兵.
试问古今众将帅, 为谁生死为谁赢?

   -> 赞唐朝乐队

Chinese Chess
By Laijon Liu20090503

Red and green pieces are in formation on each side,
And countless phenomenons struggling on one board.
River Chu and border Han where two brothers sworn,
But now they abandoned their word and started a fight.
Drove the chariots, led the knight to slain the advisers,
Lit the fire, loaded the stones to wipe out foot soldiers.
But I want to ask all the generals from history to present,
For whom you die and survive and for whom you win?

I used to play chess, played pretty well. Recently arranged my books, and dug up some manual and strategy books. And immediately a poem struck my heart as below (the Chinese poem that really naturally formed itself that I did not even have to put more thoughts to edit it). So I put it down and did English translate.

Laijon Liu 2009

红绿两军分营垒, 万象征战一盘棋.
楚河汉界曾盟誓, 结义弟兄背信争.
驱车纵马斩士相, 火石发炮灭卒兵.
试问古今众将帅, 为谁生死为谁赢?