Sunday, October 29, 2023



Laijon Liu 20231029


Thick gloomy clouds hanging over the city

covering that part of the world never gets sunny

the central city hall building stands like a tall fortress

the last besieged tower turns on its signal light for help!

far away in the suburb, there's a dilapidated castle

behind its rusty gothic gate, brown leaves buried path

gushing thoughts swarm out from the depth of memory

drowning noises of beating, screams, psychotic laughing

rain reigns the city, raindrops beating the pavement

that blurry scene forever shrouds the man's vision

his bulletproof suit & cape, too heavy burden to wear

ammo loaded armored car is his black casket on wheels

he drives out at evening, to stop all that happening

a pain-triggered bat, flies out of a cave into the night




Saturday, October 28, 2023



Laijon Liu 20231028


That dim flickering light in the deep night sky

grows bigger and brighter by the second

the heart of Man races against time

across the universe to reach the past

his will defies gravity, bends the space

to fulfill his promise, to mend someone's dream

the world is round, he circles and scans it

the universe is flattened along with all its beings

that flickering light grows brighter and brighter

fueling blinding flame and deafening sound

that huge burning rock plummets into the air

someone forever stares at the sky, long waiting

the wheat field in Smallville is now golden!!

Tell me, Superman, will you be back in time?!



on my way back home from soccer game, I saw a little boy in Superman costume crossing the street on the zebra lines, as he passed me I noticed he didn't carry his trick or treat bucket, so I guessed this superman must have something more important to do, like save someone (my mind suddenly blurt out hey Superman, whom you gonna go save now huh?). and the some images popped on my mind, pretty romantic and classy worth a poem, as I worked them on paper, totally different image that driven out by my words, also the line 11, I can't be sure about that burning rock, whether it's a space rock or superman travels at his top speed, as most things happen in life as I see to be hoped, expected or unexpected and we fear happen to us, we wish it's a blessing yet anxious that just an ill omen. and Superman, saves his love, makes all fans feel complete yet himself in need to be saved or to save in order to be saved?... and the different timing of each individual and events timeline just complicates everything. so I was confused, any way I picked second image for that line, the original line 11 is "that rock of steel plummets into the air" so I knew that was Superman, but as I penned it down, having a second look, it was just a huge burning rock plummets into the air.

And, if I were Superman I wouldn't feel supercharged to land on Earth. His home planet bursts up a supernova, gone in a flash of burning match, following his physical mass and density reverse calculate to the weight of his planet mass that must collapse into a black hole, and he is here forever an alien. And there are countless superjerks, superassholes, supervillains, and not to mention superbitches... all walk amok and rule the planet Earth, makes people's living super hard. They Are REAL, not comic characters in the books that you don't like you can skip the pages, you flip thru all their wicked schemes and violent deeds in print, somehow you feel you have the control over them, POW! POW! POW! you finger flick the pages fast. but in real life, how you deal with them? as Superman born of good to do good in a one man league, with his super power, laser eyes, and ice blow, primitive mind driven human beings are fragile like cockroaches, but he cant squash them like they are just termites. he wouldn't feel super duper about it. even a bad man is a human being, right? Catch them one by one and throw them into jail? why waste a good man's time? I guess he better leave it all to the world for the saving job that everyone must play his part.

So he should quit his news job, buy a house at Smallville, live with Lois Lane that's his destiny, get a challenging creative hobby, non sport type, like reading novels, writing poems, painting, composing.... if every man's includes Superman's woman is saved, then the world is saved. the world exists because two stay as one. so, go make your love happy, Superman, by doing that you've saved the world.



Saturday, October 21, 2023


 The Monster

Laijon Liu 20231021

His huge pair of T-Rex eyes, bloodshot

have seen the tribulation of the past world

his dying heart somehow miraculously beating

feels the earthquake and the aftershock

mind wanders in his tiny city gardens

now long gone, to be remembered forever

he was just a child, should be everyone's favorite

but they resented his face and his bear hug

they named him the ugly and the fearsome

threw scraps & rocks at him, and shouted

his giant clumsy claws, wimpy to fend off

yet he never growled, and even can't do it now

A shadowy figure lingers in the city ruins

it's waiting for me to come back home