Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Manhattan Money

Manhattan Money
Laijon Liu 20190212

You pay Manhattan price
but you don't make Manhattan money

You wanna sip Starbucks coffee
but you count your dollars and changes

This fucking city is too big
it swallows you, you become traceless

It don't matter how long you've stayed
or how deeply you've loved her

She won't give a fuck about you
she wouldn't even see you as a customer

Countless concrete blocks you've carried
in midtown, downtown, this or that town

sweating and on your all fours
you just stop counting the length of cables

when the wood plank doors shut
you drag out your body and dust, like you've survived

but this city does love you
you are intimate with her the hardcore ways

by each brick and pipe you cuddle
and her metallic rough edges make you bleed

you suck the blood on your fingers
so you get a taste of her again, for a cheap price

you make sidewalk your cafeteria
and chewing 2 slice $1 pizza

you smile at the pretty things walking by
they in and out of nearby glass buildings

they don't even look at you, you undeserving
low-class, minimum wage, loading dock people.