Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Merry Go Round

Merry Go Round
Laijon Liu 20190215

merry go round, merry go round
mommy stood by the ticket entrance
daddy stood with me on the platform
that scene has to be forty years ago

merry go round, merry go round
kids rushed onto the platform
they climbed onto the horses,
cars, tanks, planes, and spaceship

there was no seat I could find
there was nothing we could find
the merry music was playing
the platform was rotating

one loop I saw mommy was watching
another loop mommy saw me watching
merry go round, merry go round
me and daddy still looking around

that scene keeps popping on my mind
then and now, goes round and round
mom is on the other side of the globe
and dad is on the another side now

and I am alone at this side, my side
merry go round, merry go round
it goes round like a bad dream
it goes round like an curse never ends

that little sad boy, oh, a poor old dude
just go round, just go round
his mommy still watching
and his daddy still standing

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Manhattan Money

Manhattan Money
Laijon Liu 20190212

You pay Manhattan price
but you don't make Manhattan money

You wanna sip Starbucks coffee
but you count your dollars and changes

This fucking city is too big
it swallows you, you become traceless

It don't matter how long you've stayed
or how deeply you've loved her

She won't give a fuck about you
she wouldn't even see you as a customer

Countless concrete blocks you've carried
in midtown, downtown, this or that town

sweating and on your all fours
you just stop counting the length of cables

when the wood plank doors shut
you drag out your body and dust, like you've survived

but this city does love you
you are intimate with her the hardcore ways

by each brick and pipe you cuddle
and her metallic rough edges make you bleed

you suck the blood on your fingers
so you get a taste of her again, for a cheap price

you make sidewalk your cafeteria
and chewing 2 slice $1 pizza

you smile at the pretty things walking by
they in and out of nearby glass buildings

they don't even look at you, you undeserving
low-class, minimum wage, loading dock people.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Grey Wolf

The Grey Wolf
Laijon Liu 20190210

the grey wolf has been tailing a sheep flock for sometime
it seems the grey wolf has been tailing the sheep flock forever
downwind, a shifting triangle shadow
a pair golden glowing eyes, the fangs

the grey wolf on the hilltop, in the ravine
eying the grass grazing flock
often the grey wolf disguises itself
in a fine white sheep wool coat

the grey wolf lowers its head, slowly, silently crawls
its sharp paws gently brush the grass blades
soundlessly rest on the dry crunchy leaves
its dagger glowing eyes eying the fattest sheep

a sudden burst, a shot of javelin throw, it lunges
onto its fattest prize, that even bigger than its size
Poof! The fat sheep's coat flattens on the ground
the grey wolf lies like a mouse, under a huge paw.

Laijon Liu 20190210






