Saturday, April 20, 2024

Rapunzel – Space Version

Rapunzel – Space Version

Laijon Liu 20240420


crashlanded and survived a space travel disaster

thru a narrow escape, off the mothership

her ivory spacecraft stood like a leaning tower

on a strange planet of sand and red dust storm

the perfect baby girl of the Sun and Earth

selected for gene modification and green mission

Mother Gothel cradled her, taught her alphabet

showed her photosynthesis hacks and how gravity bends

she would be given the master key to access the galaxies

she would be made Dame Rapunzel as picked in the womb

but succumbed to her fatal human flaws, doomed to fail

her purpose of becoming of intellect over emotions

a girl flew in her dream and woke up, a woman perplexed

she stared at the starry nightsky, sobbed and screamed

Mother Gothel

poetry, music, dramas, their primal senses of being

that pulls down humanity as the universe calls them up

they gravitate to their mystic L-word, poor love losers

like how a smell triggers their brain sensory receptors

greedy happiness they struggle so much for too little gain

tricks, betrayals, anxiety, brawls, wastes, death and griefs

their whole planetary pandemonium, a chaotic zoo

that vision tormented her, so she became a science witch

she walked into her glowing quantum collider

and her mothership self-constructed thru her voice prompts

she loved to see how watery red planets growing vegetation

and how a gigantic mass of asteroids swirled into a moon

she screen-searched for the reachable habitable planets

and adopted a new born to be her daughter of the universe

The Prince

his name was M3269, M for male

In vitro insemination incubator #3269

his bio age marked Prime, task: exterior maintenance

assigned his life to one compartment and specific surface

on-shift, he checked his hover vehicle with his protege

scanned for the damages, loaded up the panels

tested radio caller and put on his spacesuit

then drove out, into the vacuum behind the airlock

second shift he refurbished the broken panels

trained M3269b(b for backup man) in the furnace station

next he adjourned to the workout chamber

tied his limbs onto the bands system, drank his protein, slept

a voice spoke thru the tunnels and in each room

that voice guided his toddle to his first step into the dark void

The Mothership

that nurturing body vesseled the seeds of miracle

cradled the mankind intelligence out to the vast unknown

her maiden voyage initiated in a silent song

sang in the heart and mind of a dreamer

look, that young beautiful body bathing in the golden light

proudly stood in a cascading spring of the starlight

that shape of speed, like a falcon into the abyss

glided on the curve of time, an albatross’ odyssey

electromagnetic shield protected her membrane cells

solar quantum engines, electric furnaces, chip & bio labs instore

hovers, robots and drones assembled in her factory shops

spacecrafts, capsules, ready for planet mineral extraction

through the belts of floating boulders, dusts and particles

she wondered, like a fawn searching in the fog

Time Travel

the universe glittering thru our telescopes

future outlook, a preset happenstance of the past

fossil samples dissected under the microscopes

a civilization’s finds predated the civilization itself

the present moment slightly past in our eye

and thoughts seems always wired to our memory blocks

going to the future, leap into that blank?

or to make sense of who and what we are and made of?

fate held in a baby’s hand, repeatedly dropped

the fabrics of existence thru the infinite bangs

how we wished we could break light-speed, rewind time

to go back and fix each broken thing

go through that time tunnel for many times

and wake up, still remembered what we need to mend

The Liftoff

at first, it was all glowing white, then the colors

the shapes of objects became discernible

we got used to feel the weight of our heads

got our feet on the ground, wobbled forward

then we held the spears chased small lizards

ran away from the big hungry lizards

one night we looked up, stared, and said “ah”

to that first time countdown: 3, 2, 1, here we go

we fought off the gravity of the ground

left all behind, only packed our needs

the ancient myth turned into a page of history

that planet must be organosulfur marked as our home

oh Mothership Earth, the Ark of Life

Embark! Depart!

Space Travel

the residents of nowhere, or in theory, everywhere

to where you be able to reach and kindly accepted

what’s so bad about your home planet

that you exile toward to a distant foreign star?

Energy compound latched onto another cell

a seed lodged and burst in the futile soil to fertilize

in the vast darkness you scan for bright sparkles

off the ground, yet clasped by the immense gravity of unknown

got stuck, trapped in an ever rotating gigantic vessel

mind reworks on all formulas for an opening of wormhole

the existing possibilities of the physical universe

falls thru your vision and wanders on your mind

becomes that singular focus til it all fades away

not even light can escape it, neither the darkness

The Force Dimension

things come and part, clock tick-tock & stop

the space compresses stretches, we meet & away

existence materialized thru that deafening sound

energy confined in each different solid&fluid state

flickering quarks vibrate in the night-sky filament

symphony of movements holds that ever-growing globe

what makes us and drives us now

to what direction we go, strive and why

that constant anxiety, urge, despair and guilt

weights down like slow movement of aging

drifting downstream, we paddle against the current

still whirl down into the void, arrive at that inescapable destination

why we are given to this fleeting moment

and each set to infinite unique frequency


all the efforts, all our lifespan

all the information of matters and events

recorded & collected on a flat surface

for the mind to reconstruct to a perfect formula

the constellations are one only map

in the past-future, that landscape we traverse

our theory & aim fights thru self-centered savagery

forms to a singular purpose, to go forward

the signals of our consciousness kept us alive

sending from the past, receiving in the future

we keep on evolving, progress

shed our worm skeletons and transform

leave that old spaceship in the wreckage of time

to finally become one with the driving Force